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Status: ConnectedConnected. Status: Not ConnectedNot connected. TypingUser is typing. TopicRoom topic.
OnlineAdmin user is online. IdleAdmin user is idle. AwayAdmin user is away. MutedAdmin user is muted.
OnlineBarbarian online. IdleBarbarian idle. AwayBarbarian away. MutedBarbarian muted.
OnlineMage online. IdleMage idle. AwayMage away. MutedMage muted.
OnlineMerchant online. IdleMerchant idle. AwayMerchant away. MutedMerchant muted.
OnlineMonk online. IdleMonk idle. AwayMonk away. MutedMonk muted.
OnlineNecromancer online. IdleNecromancer idle. AwayNecromancer away. MutedNecromancer muted.
OnlineNormal online. IdleNormal idle. AwayNormal away. MutedNormal muted.
OnlinePriest online. IdlePriest idle. AwayPriest away. MutedPriest muted.
OnlineRogue online. IdleRogue idle. AwayRogue away. MutedRogue muted.
OnlineWarrior online. IdleWarrior idle. AwayWarrior away. MutedWarrior muted.