Hey guys...I've been on the chats for a few days and have ground my way to Level 13 (and 1/2) with a Twilight Slasher (well worth it - thanks again Deezeus/CandyCane).
I get on as much as I can, but with three sons and a wife who would rather have my attention than have it given to the game...it won't be as much as it could
In spite of the name (from the best show on or off TV - "The Venture Brothers @ Cartoon Network"), the real me is much, much tamer. I'm the website manager/designer for FBC Jacksonville (), and I do freelance design as well. You might find me chatting/grinding a few minutes on Sundays, while I am walking from building to building .
I hope I'll be able to give advice as well as you guys have. Nice community so far. See ya...