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Travelers of Eluna • View topic - AppStore Sales, Deals & Free Grabs

AppStore Sales, Deals & Free Grabs

All non-game related banter and nonsense!

Re: AppStore Sales, Deals & Free Grabs

Postby Amalah » Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:47 am

I've discovered a fantastic application for if you ever need to chill out.

It's called Brainbaths, and it's only 59p.

It contains lots of lovely ambient sounds, but they aren't your run of the mill low quality clips. These are 3D sounds called Holophonics. It's very difficult to explain with words how much better Holophonic is compared to Stereo. For instance when I listen to the track called Dock of the Bay it sounds like the water is right infront of me, like I could reach out and touch it.

To get the best out of the Holophonics you need to use headphones, but even if you play it through surround sound speakers it creates wonderful ambience. You also have the option to play Binaural Beats in the app. And if that wasn't enough after contacting customer support I have heard that they are working on the ability to play your own music with the sounds. I have no idea how long the update will take to arrive though.

This is such a bargain.
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Re: AppStore Sales, Deals & Free Grabs

Postby DonBurns99 » Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:11 pm

Interesting, will have to check it out. ^ ^
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Re: AppStore Sales, Deals & Free Grabs

Postby DonBurns99 » Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:13 pm

Image - $0.99 (going back up to $6.99 really soon)

Image - $0.99 (going back up to $4.99 on August 5th)
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Re: AppStore Sales, Deals & Free Grabs

Postby Shay » Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:05 pm

deer hunter free, by "Glu" fun and simple game even has a cool trophy room if you like it i hope you buy the full version it's really fun(full version is 2.99$)
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Re: AppStore Sales, Deals & Free Grabs

Postby DonBurns99 » Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:34 pm

Image has dropped from $4.99 to $0.99.

Hidden object game, well worth the dollar.
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