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What's In A Name?
Mon May 11, 2009 6:16 am
by Noonlight
Maybe it's cos I'm a newbie and all, but I'm curious as to why people have chosen the names they have, and I thought it might be nice to have a thread where people spilled the beans...
Again, I'll kick off:
Noonlight is the opposite of Midnight... Got the idea from a Terry Pratchett book where a young witch is working out what sort of person she wants to be... It's sort of about choosing a path that doesn't rely on props and theatrics:
"Midnight? What's so special about Midnight? How about Noon?"
"Anyone can be a witch with a runic silver knife, but it takes skill to be one with an apple corer".
I just like the idea behind it, and Noonlight was born
Re: What's In A Name?
Mon May 11, 2009 4:04 pm
by DonBurns99
Awesome source for name Noonlight.
Mine is much more simple and boring.
DonBurns99 comes from my name (Don Burns) and 99 was the year I created my email and began developing.
Thus DonBurns99 was born and the name stuck.
I normally don't use it in games, but since I came from Touch Arcade and many TA members play CozyQuest, I picked it so that they would recognize the handle.
I wonder how many people think I'm 10 years old because of the '99.. ^ ^
Re: What's In A Name?
Mon May 11, 2009 4:39 pm
by Lunarossa
Mine has a rather morbid story which doesn't go with the happy-go-lucky public enemy trainee image, so I'll refrain from disclosing it.
It means "red moon". ^^v
Re: What's In A Name?
Mon May 11, 2009 5:04 pm
by Poltin
Poltin was the name of my warlock alt in WoW. I liked the name, so I used it again. If I had been a different class, I might have used a different name, but warlock is closest to mage (out of the one's I played). Originally, I just pulled it out of thin air.
Re: What's In A Name?
Mon May 11, 2009 7:42 pm
by Teir
Teir is a ruined Elven city set in the kingdom of Mearthilon on the living planet Glarvole. I've been making an RPG of my own off and on for the past 7 years and playing Kingdom Game got me using various names from that Kingdom. I thought it would go better than Dil'at'Teir. ^_^
Re: What's In A Name?
Tue May 12, 2009 3:30 pm
by Razurick
Razurick? Well... It was one night... long long ago... The World of Warcraft create an account was sitting on the screen of my laptop... I entered tons of names only to be let down by the name already being taken... So I sat there and pondered... and pondered... My archer needed a name... What can we name him I yelled to the ceiling of my apartment... the ceiling yelled back at me by saying shut up we are trying to sleep... So as I awaited the apartment manager to call me and tell me to cool down I came up with a one of a kind name... I saw a razor sitting half way out of a walmart sack laying on the table... so I said Razor! Of course that is taken... DOH... So I sit there a bit and have Raz stuck in my head... so I just started throwing stuff on the end of Raz until Razurick was born...
So the moral to my long... drawn out story... is... well there is no moral to the story... I just didnt want to go through that whole process again... As Paul Harvey would have said.... An thats the rest of the story... Good day!
Re: What's In A Name?
Tue May 12, 2009 5:42 pm
by Fii
I created Fii so people would not have trouble calling me out in the chat.
Re: What's In A Name?
Mon May 18, 2009 4:42 pm
by Brock Samson
Brock Samson...
obvious as to why, if you've ever seen
The Venture Brothers on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim (). He is the ultimate one-man army.
Re: What's In A Name?
Wed May 20, 2009 2:55 pm
by Lurial
A lot of people actually know me online (forums, sites and whatnot) as Sushibox. That actually comes from my personal website, also titled Sushibox, so it goes hand in hand. I actually chose to make a female priest in CQ named Lurial, because when I play WoW (which is not that often these days) my main character is a Female Night Elf Priest aptly named Lurial.
Easy peasy.
Re: What's In A Name?
Thu May 21, 2009 4:44 pm
by Barabar
barabar is a name I used on another dog, can't remember what it was though. The full name was barabar the pelvis