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Travelers of Eluna • View topic - In-game Gods?

In-game Gods?

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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Noonlight » Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:14 pm

It would be kinda nice to have an item you can only get without a god. Says the heathen about to enjoy the summer solstice festival in his hometown :-)
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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Michio » Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:24 am

isn't that called Lottery Prizes? i.e. Stallion and Spiked Collar?
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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Noonlight » Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:22 am

Nah, the lottery is open to everyone. I mean an item you can ONLY get if you make the choice NOT to follow one of the 5 gods...
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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Poltin » Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:35 pm

But the items the gods give you are for your piety. Who would give you the item for atheism?

Also, why should there be an item you get for being an atheist?
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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Noonlight » Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:32 pm

Hmmm... can't really answer that one without going fairly deep into a theological debate that I don't really want to go near.... Wasn't trying to offend anyone, really... Just thought it might add another interesting dimension to the game :-)
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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Lunarossa » Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:59 am

It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your purse is?

I do. ^^v

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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Michio » Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:42 pm

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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Poltin » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:59 am

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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby Noonlight » Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:04 am

Oh, well in that case it's easy to answer. You wouldn't have atheists, because the gods are blatantly there, but you could still have people that choose not to follow any of them - after all, belief isn't a factor when you're donating money to one or other of the gods.

Long term, when (if?) the game expands, you could perhaps have a shop/town/whatever that people who follow one of the gods aren't allowed to go (forbidden by their gods, for instance), and people who aren't following a god could be forbidden entry to particular holy sites. Short term, you could just have a NPC that won't deal with those who follow a god (he could have some small but convincing back story) that will sell you an item.

That's the sort of thing I was musing about - something that would make your choice to follow a god (or not) impact on how you play the game. Was only a passing thought.
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Re: In-game Gods?

Postby DonBurns99 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:57 am

So you're thinking of factions then. Different NPCs judge you differently based on your chosen god. Some could like you better (better prices), some would hate you more (worse prices), and some wouldn't even deal with you at all. Could even go to a point where they get hostile with you and attempt to fight. ^ ^

A faction system would be nice, but it would no doubt be broken and exploitable.

<Your faction standing with Beta Neutral has gotten worse!>
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