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Getting a new iDevice? DON'T DELETE YOUR CHARACTER!

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:23 pm
by DonBurns99
If you get a new iPod Touch or iPhone, you don't have to delete your character.

Just contact Nils and he will transfer your character from your old iDevice to your new one.

You just need to give him your new Device ID.

Re: Getting a new iDevice? DON'T DELETE YOUR CHARACTER!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:33 pm
by Pius
I just got the new iPhone 3Gs (love it!) but I'm thinking it's not worth the uncertainty to request a character transfer given the current state of things. Too many folks seem to have gone weeks without resolution.

If i request it and it's delayed, I will start playing a new guy eventually at which time Nils may or may not transfer the old me and delete the new guy. If I don't request a change, I know I've just got two dudes to play with.

It helps that Pius is literally maxed out now at level 50, but with the slow rate of progress I would probably switch even if I was level 26.

Now to decide what to play for my new guy...