Hello my friends of ToE! I am Angelus, Leader of the Empire of Eden, and I am a huge admirer of the Travelers. It's people like Candy, BP, Asia, Waddles and Don that make CozyQuest the lovely game that it is! Whenever somebody mails me and asks me personally about the guild, I always tell them about the Empire, but also about the Travelers. It is my hope that our guilds can work together, and not against each other, to benefit the community as a whole.
As of now, the Empire only wishes it could do as much for the community as the Travelers of Eluna have done. There isn't a respected player in the whole game who isn't familiar with the adorable rantings and ravings of Candy, BP, Asia, and Bewb. You folks really make my day, and I hope that someday I might be able to return that favor .
I want you all to know that if the Travelers of Eluna ever need anything, or run into any problems with anybody, the Empire of Eden shall stand beside you.