This website is still under construction and testing. Some areas are not yet functional.


  1. Academy of Trade
  2. Auction House
  3. Celina's Cookery
  4. Educational Supplies
  5. Elemental Academy
  6. Elgarz the Alchemist
  7. Frank's Fair Goods
  8. Grizzle's Junkheap
  9. Guild Hall
  10. Hit the Pinata
  11. Markan's Jewels
  12. Ogar's Blacksmith
  13. Post Office
  14. Redthorn Arena
  15. Salty Siren Tavern
  16. Scholar's rest
  17. Shady S'zera
  18. Shepherds Shed Inn
  19. Sneaky bunny
  20. Souvenir Stand
  21. Spire Cathedral
  22. The Docks
  23. The Marble Square
  24. The Town Square
  25. Travel
  26. Yana's Shelter