This website is still under construction and testing. Some areas are not yet functional.



  1. Highest Coordination
  2. Highest Endurance
  3. Highest Flexibility
  4. Highest Intelligence
  5. Highest Knowledge
  6. Highest Radiance
  7. Highest Strength
  8. Highest Vigilance
  9. Highest Willpower

Character Information

  1. Most Character Levels
  2. Most Experience Points
  3. Most Gold
  4. Most Health Currently
  5. Most Monster Kills
  6. Most Siren Messages

Gathering Skills

  1. Highest Fishing Level
  2. Highest Lumberjack Levels
  3. Most Fishes Caught
  4. Most Lumber Chopped
  5. Recently Active Fishers
  6. Recently Active Lumberjacks

Crafting Skills

  1. Highest Alchemy Level
  2. Highest Cooking Level
  3. Highest Metalcrafting Level
  4. Highest Tailoring Level
  5. Highest Woodcrafting Level
  6. Most Alchemic Concoctions Created
  7. Most Clothing Items Created
  8. Most Food Items Prepared
  9. Most Metal Items Crafted
  10. Most Wood Items Crafted

Combat Skills

  1. Highest Combat Tricks Level
  2. Highest Critical Strike Level
  3. Highest Flare Level
  4. Highest Prayer Level
  5. Highest Shadow Attack Level
  6. Highest Smite Level
  7. Most Combat Tricks Used
  8. Most Drowns Used
  9. Most Flares Used
  10. Most Smites Used
  11. Most Thorns Used
  12. Recently Active Prayer Users


  1. Most Faith Donations
  2. Most Shadow Points
  3. Most Unspent Character Points
  4. Newest Players
  5. Oldest Guilds


  1. Highest Bartering Level
  2. Highest Blowback Level
  3. Highest Foraging Level
  4. Highest Magic Ability Level
  5. Highest Pickpocketing Level
  6. Highest Stealing Level
  7. Highest Will of the Warrior Level
  8. Most Angel Hearts Consumed
  9. Most Items Foraged
  10. Recently Active Stealers